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How to use finder relay to control courtyard lamp?

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021-12-31

For the outdoor environment, lighting is a basic strategic element, with dual functions of decoration and safety.

Install equipment for adjusting the lighting system:

1. At dusk, the light can be turned on and off according to the set lighting threshold (Lux). These devices ensure that the light turns on when the ambient brightness is lower than the preset lux threshold; Therefore, they are also sensitive to the decline of light on cloudy days. Because they can ensure the correct brightness under all conditions, they are very suitable for illuminating areas (streets and dark corners) that need constant visibility at dusk.

2. For the twilight finder 11.91 series, the twilight function is also associated with the timer switch function, which can be set to shut down in advance. This twilight type 11.42 is equipped with two independent outputs, which can carry out diversified / progressive / regional control of the light switch. For this type of demand, the use of 2-channel and 12 series time switches can also play the same role.

3. The outdoor motion detector is used to turn on and off the light according to the set lux, and it is only used when people and vehicles pass by (however, in this case, the performance may not be as good as that of the inspectors).

When it is necessary to optimize the switch of the lamp, the motion detector is the ideal solution, limiting them to the absolutely necessary range. Therefore, in outdoor areas, they are usually installed to illuminate entrances and passages, such as sidewalks. Without the connection between light and automatic door opening, these will open when the vehicle passes through the courtyard and close at the end of time.

4. Using motion detectors can also create original scene effects, such as lights managed by different motion detectors, which will turn on and off continuously when passing. Finder time switch, which is used to turn on and off the programming light, can be changed daily / weekly or according to the time of sunrise and sunset. When you want to turn on and off the lights in time (so as to estimate the consumption more accurately), the time switch is the most appropriate solution.


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