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Wiring method of finder power relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2022-05-24

1. Connect correctly according to the external wiring diagram, and pay special attention to that the voltage and current connected to this device must be phase A and phase C, and the same polarity terminal connected to the current transformer is correct.

2. Turn on the power, and the "power" indicator light is on. When the toggle switch is placed in the "test" position, the finder power relay and the unloading "out of limit" indicator light will be on, and an alarm signal will be output. After a few seconds of delay, the "action" indicator light will be on, but the reverse power and unloading output finder power relay will not act, indicating that the internal logic function of the device is normal. The delay time is the reverse power and unloading delay time respectively, and its value can be adjusted by the "reverse power delay time" adjusting potentiometer (lower left) and the "unloading delay time" adjusting potentiometer (lower right), and clockwise is the increasing direction. Then turn the toggle switch to the "run" position.

Note: the time interval of the second test should be greater than 30 seconds. Otherwise, the "delay time" of the second test will be shorter.

3. When the units operate in parallel, the voltage remains rated so that a unit can reverse its power. When a certain value is reached, the reverse power "over limit" indicator light is on. After the delay, the "action" indicator lights up, and the finder power relay will trip the main switch. The reverse power unit is listed. The action power can be adjusted through the "action power adjustment potentiometer" (located at the upper left), which is the increasing direction clockwise. If the finder power relay acts when a single machine is running at positive power, the wiring of terminals 1 and 2 should be replaced.


4. Setting of unloading action value and delay time:

Turn the "action current" clockwise to adjust the potentiometer (upper right) to the maximum value. Increase the load current of the generator to the value that needs to be unloaded, and then slowly adjust the potentiometer counterclockwise until the "out of limit" indicator light is on, and then start timing until the "action" indicator light is on, and the secondary load is unloaded, which is the delay time of the action of the unloading device.

Users can request the setting value when ordering and set it when leaving the factory.

Overall dimension: width × high × Thickness =150 × one hundred and five × 68; Installation size: 140 × 954- Φ five

Wiring method of power direction relay

Connection method between relay and current transformer and voltage transformer.

The following requirements shall be met:

(1) It is necessary to ensure that the power direction relay has good directivity. That is, any type of fault in the forward direction can act, but the reverse fault will not act.

(2) Try to make the power direction relay more sensitive in case of forward fault, φ K approach φ sen。

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