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Function and principle of finder relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-19
The use of finder relay in many families is still very important, which can provide basic life security for home life, but we should also pay attention to the use of finder relay to avoid unnecessary trouble. Then, what is the function and principle of finder relay and the correct use method of finder relay, do you know? Now let's have a look.


1、 Function and principle of finder relay

Function of finder relay: it can enlarge the function range of the whole circuit, achieve the purpose of controlling high-power circuit, and make it run automatically. Principle of finder relay: when the input is a fixed value, the working state can be changed, and changing the working state can avoid accidents.

2、 Correct use of finder relay

1. When using finder relay, try to use it according to the instructions, and each parameter should be within the specified range to ensure sufficient safety. The load and service time of finder relay cannot be determined. After all, it will change according to the surrounding environment and load.

2. If you plan to use DC relay indoors, you need to use rectangular wave to perform work; When AC relay is used indoors, sine wave is required to perform work. If you want to use the finder relay better, don't let the finder relay be hit, otherwise it is easy to cause damage to internal components.

3. When using the finder relay, ensure that the temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment are moderate, and the air cannot contain more harmful gases, otherwise the use of the finder relay will be affected. If it is a polarized finder relay, the voltage characteristics of the coil should be considered to ensure its normal use.

What is the function and principle of finder relay and the correct use method of finder relay? Let's introduce it first. Do you understand it. The function of finder relay is very good, but you must understand the relevant knowledge before using it, so that you won't have trouble when using it.

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