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Test method of finder power relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2023-07-20

Finder power relayAmong the commonly used relays, there are many test methods for finder power relay. Relays are often used in various industries, such as automotive, electrical, electronic products, etc. the role of relays is to protect circuits, limit current, and achieve the effect of closing. Now let's explain the test method.


1. Measure contact resistance

Use the resistance gear of the multimeter to measure the resistance of the normally closed contact and the moving point, and the resistance value should be 0 (with a more accurate method, the contact resistance value can be measured within 100 milliohms); The resistance between the normally open contact and the moving point is infinite. Thus, one is normally closed contact and the other is normally open contact.

2. Measure coil resistance

Can use multimeter R × 10 Ω measure the resistance value of the power relay coil to judge whether there is an open circuit in the coil.

3. Measure the pull in voltage and current

Find a regulated power supply and ammeter that can be adjusted, input a group of voltage to the finder power relay, and connect the ammeter to the power supply circuit for monitoring. Slowly increase the power supply voltage. When you hear the closing sound of the finder power relay, write down the closing voltage and current. For accuracy, you can try several times and take the average value.

4. Measure the release voltage and current

It is also the connection test mentioned above. After the finder power relay is pulled in, the power supply voltage gradually decreases. When you hear the release sound of the finder power relay again, record the voltage and current at this time, or get the average release voltage and current through multiple attempts.

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