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Principle of finder time relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2024-03-20

Finder time relayIt is an electrical component used to turn on and off the voltage and current in a small current circuit. The principle of finder time relay is to use electromagnetic principle or mechanical principle to realize time-delay control.


1. Finder time relay has the function of automatic monitoring. Combining finder time relay with other equipment can form a program space path and realize the automatic operation of equipment. I'm afraid only one finder time relay can't start delay closing. After being closed for a period of time, it can be disconnected again, and then it can be closed and disconnected in time delay, but generally speaking, it can be achieved by configuring a certain number of finder time relays and finder intermediate relays.

2. The installation and use of finder time relay should be installed in the direction specified in the manual. The set value of the finder time relay should be preset when it is not powered on. The grounding screw on the metal base plate of the finder time relay must be reliably connected with the grounding wire. The power on delay type and power off delay type can be replaced within the set time. Dust and oil stains need to be cleaned frequently during use, otherwise the delay error will increase.

3. When selecting the finder time relay, the following rules can be generally followed: according to the needs of the controlled circuit, decide whether the finder time relay is of the power on delay type or the power off delay type. According to the voltage of the controlled circuit, select the voltage of the attracting winding of the finder time relay. If the time delay requirement is high, transistor finder time relay or electric finder time relay can be selected. If the time delay requirement is not high, air damping finder time relay can be selected.

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