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Shenzhen Fende Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

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Characteristics and principle of finder solid state relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2024-07-17

According to the working principle and structural characteristics of finder relay, Fende relay can be divided into many types. The first is solid-state relay, which is a relay with input and output isolation when electronic components perform functions without mechanical moving parts; The second is time relay. When the input signal is increased or removed, the output part needs to delay or limit the time to close or disconnect its controlled line relay; The third kind is intermediate relay, which is used in relay protection and automatic control system to increase the number and capacity of contacts. (the structure and principle of the intermediate relay are basically the same as that of the AC contactor, while the main difference between the intermediate relay and the contactor is that the contactor is the main contact that can pass large current, while the contact of the intermediate relay can only pass small current, so it can only be used in the control circuit); Other relays include monitoring relay, thermal relay, etc. Of course, the relay can be divided into miniature relay, subminiature relay and miniature miniature relay according to the overall dimensions of the relay. There are also different types of relays according to the load, protection characteristics, action principle and the role in the protection circuit.


Solid state relay is a new type of contactless electronic switching device developed by the combination of modern microelectronics technology and power electronics technology. Solid state relay has the advantages of high stability, high reliability, contactless, long service life and so on. It is widely used in the fields of home, industry, power transmission, printing and dyeing and so on.

Finder solid state relay is composed of input circuit, drive circuit and output circuit. Solid state relay is different from ordinary electromagnetic relay; The non-contact optical (Electrical) isolation between the input circuit and the output circuit is composed of discrete components. Semiconductor microelectronic circuit chips and power electronic devices are assembled with flame-retardant epoxy resin as raw material, sealed in the shell with potting technology, isolated from the outside world, and have good pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, moisture resistance and seismic resistance.

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