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Function of finder time relay

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2024-06-19

Usually, various components are used in various electrical projects, among which finder time relay is very common. thatFinder time relayWhat is the function of?

1、 What is the function of finder time relay?

It is widely used in electronic equipment of remote control, communication and automatic control. It is one of the very important control components. The common finder time relay is a wide variety of integrated relays, which are usually used in production equipment. It can accurately control time and improve the accuracy and performance of products.

After all the test parts of the relay get the action information, the electric appliance whose execution parts need to wait for a period of time is called finder time relay, which can be divided into power on delay type and power off delay type according to the time delay mode.

For example, an energized relay can only operate after its coil is applied with an appropriate voltage, and when the delay time expires, the actuator will be used to transmit control signals.

The relay of power-off type will delay immediately after its coil is powered off. When the delay time expires, it will use the actuator to transmit the control signal.


2、 What are the precautions for selecting finder time relay?

1. Select the appropriate delay mode, which generally includes two categories: power on delay and power-off delay. When selecting, consider the operation requirements of the circuit to ensure that the reset time of the action is longer than that of the inherent action, so as to prevent errors. If the delay is not in place, the circuit will have problems.

2. Choose the appropriate type. If the accuracy of time delay is not strict, low-cost electromagnetic or air damping relays are usually used, but if the requirements are strict, electronic relays will be configured.

The above is some information about finder time relay. It can be seen from the above article that we must have a general understanding of their characteristics before using each component in the circuit, and then use them according to the actual situation, so as to ensure their effective performance and reduce unnecessary trouble.

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