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The position of finder time relay in automation industry

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2023-06-27

In today's industrial control, we have to mention a product, that is, time relay. Time relay is a very important component in electrical control system. In many control systems, time relay is needed to realize time delay control. Finder time relay is an automatic control appliance that uses electromagnetic principle or mechanical action principle to delay the closing or breaking of contacts. It is characterized in that there is a time delay from the signal obtained by the suction coil to the action of the contact. Time relay is usually used for motor starting process control as a function of time.

The main function of finder time relay is as an executive device in simple program control. When it receives the start signal, it starts timing. After the timing, its working contact opens or closes, so as to promote the subsequent circuit work. Generally, the delay performance of time relay can be adjusted within the design range, so it is very convenient to adjust its delay time. I'm afraid that only one time relay can't start delay closing. After closing for a period of time, it can be disconnected. First, it can realize delay closing and then delay disconnecting, but in general, it can be achieved by configuring a certain number of time relays and intermediate relays.

Finder time relay is a controller that uses electronic circuit to realize time delay function. It can be widely used in automatic control circuit for time control and indication. The time relay has multi time delay function (power on delay, on delay, power off delay, off delay, reciprocating delay, interval delay, star delta start delay, programmed delay), multi setting mode (potentiometer setting, digital dial switch, key, etc.), multi time base selection (0.01s, 1s, 1min, 1H, etc.), multi working mode, LED display and other characteristics.


With the development of electronic technology, finder electronic time relay has become the mainstream product of time relay. The electronic intelligent digital display time relay using large-scale integrated circuit technology has a variety of working modes, which can not only achieve long delay time, but also have high delay precision, small size, convenient adjustment and long service life, making the control system more simple and reliable.

With the development of finder time relay, the time delay completed by the earliest separation device has been replaced by a dedicated CMOS time relay chip. Both time accuracy and time delay mode have developed greatly. Especially in recent years, programmable logic controller (PLC) has been widely used in the field of automatic time control because of its strong versatility, good flexibility, complete hardware packaging, simple and easy programming method and high reliability. In the future, finder time relay will play a more important role in the field of automatic control.

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