




General relay
Finder 55 general relay
  • Finder 55 general relay

Finder 55 general relay

微型通用繼電器 (7 - 10A)

General relay

? AC and DC coils

? printed circuit board or plug-in installation

? lockable test buttons, mechanical indicators & Leader indicators are available


fifty-five point three two fifty-five point three three fifty-five point three four
Contact specifications
Contact configuration 2 CO (DPDT) 3 CO (3PDT) 4 CO (4PDT)
Rated current / maximum peak current a 10/20 10/20 7/15
Rated voltage / maximum switching voltage V AC 250/400 250/400 250/400
Rated load AC1 VA two thousand and five hundred two thousand and five hundred one thousand seven hundred and fifty
Rated load ac15 (230 V AC) VA five hundred five hundred three hundred and fifty
Single phase motor rating (230 V AC) kw zero point three seven zero point three seven zero point one two five
Breaking capacity dc1:30/110/220 V A 10/0.25/0.12 10/0.25/0.12 7/0.25/0.12
Minimum switching load MW (v/ma) 300 (5/5) 300 (5/5) 300 (5/5)
Standard contact material AgNi AgNi AgNi
Coil specification
Nominal voltage (UN) V AC(50/60 Hz) 6 - 12 - 24 - 48 - 60 - 110 - 120 - 230 - 240
V DC 6 - 12 - 24 - 48 - 60 - 110 -125 - 220
Rated power ac/dc VA (50 Hz) /w 1.5/1 1.5/1 1.5/1
Operating range AC (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN
DC (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN
Holding voltage ac/dc 0.8 UN / 0.5 UN 0.8 UN / 0.5 UN 0.8 UN / 0.5 UN
Required voltage ac/dc 0.2 UN / 0.1 UN 0.2 UN / 0.1 UN 0.2 UN / 0.1 UN
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