




熱門搜索: Motor automation equipment、 Enclosure、 Product 40 series、 55 series、 38 series、 Series 80...
15 dimmer
  • 15 dimmer

15 dimmer


Functions and features:

? 35mm guide rail (EN 60715) installation or panel installation

? "soft" on-off conversion

? overload thermal protection


model fifteen point one zero fifteen point one one fifteen point nine one fifteen point five one fifteen point eight one
[slave dimmer] output specification
Rated voltage V AC two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty
Maximum power W four hundred one hundred four hundred five hundred
Minimum power W three three ten three
Nominal lamp rating: 230 V incandescent lamp or halogen lamp w 400(1) one hundred four hundred 500(1)
Ring core electromagnetic transformer w for LV halogen lamp 400(2) 300(2) 500(3)
E-core electromagnetic transformer w for LV halogen lamp 400(2) 500(3)
Electronic transformer (voltage regulator) w for LV halogen lamp 400(1) 400(4) 500(1)
Compact adjustable fluorescent lamp (CFL) w 100(3) 100(5)
Dimmable 230 V led w 100 (3) or (1) 50(6) 50(7) 100(5)
Tunable optoelectronic transformer w for LV LED 100(1) 50(6) 50(7) 100(1)
Power supply specification
Nominal voltage (UN) V AC (50/60 Hz) 110…230 two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty 230(8) two hundred and thirty
Operating range (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN (0.8…1.1)UN
Standby power consumption w zero point five zero point five zero point four zero point seven zero point five
Dimming behavior mode Trailing edge(image.png)Leading edge(image.png)And(image.png Leading edge Trailing edge Trailing edge(image.png)Leading edge(image.png)And(image.png


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