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Shenzhen Fende Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

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Lighting of finder 7L series control cabinet

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2021-12-31

Finder's 7L series lights are designed to ensure that the lighting in the electrical panel and cabinet is always normal.

Proper lighting in the workplace can ensure visual health and safety, which is the best condition for maintenance intervention. At the regulatory level, so far, the cabinet and power board will not be separated from any other working environment, and the lighting equipment to be installed needs to be carefully studied. In the assessment, the regulatory references that need to be considered include: Annex IV "workplace requirements" of Decree No. 81/2008; Uni 12464-1: 2011 lighting and lighting - lighting in the workplace.

In particular, the last regulation stipulates the obligation to install "night lights", which are designed to operate completely and safely under normal or special maintenance.

LED light range is to search a wide range of electrical panels including radiant brightness, power supply and type wiring in different devices in the following aspects. There are more than 20 different versions and a wide variety, which can ensure the best installation in any application and provide sufficient brightness for operator control and maintenance operations.

The advantages of LED lighting: the improvement of average life, the reduction of maintenance costs, and the disappearance of potential toxic substances make led the best choice for lighting.

When it comes to the lighting of the power board / electrical cabinet, the most suitable feature for selecting LEDs is the thermal factor. In fact, in the LED lighting system, the part of the generated energy converted into heat is minimized, so as not to affect the internal temperature of the switchboard, thus affecting the general operation of the installed equipment. This important function allows the lamp to be permanently installed in the electrical cabinet, which has two main advantages: little maintenance intervention.

Finder 7L series LED lamps

Finder's electrical panel lighting solutions are designed to meet a variety of applications and lighting needs. The two most famous factors that distinguish 7L series versions are lumens, 600 or 1200 (depending on the type) and power supplies, 24V AC /dc and 230V AC /dc (depending on the version).

How to calculate how many lights are needed? The best lumen, that is, the correct emitted luminous flux, depends on the intensity of the emitted light (Lux) and the illuminated surface (M2), and the calculation used to evaluate the number of devices can only be obtained by multiplication. For example, you need a 600 lumen 7L lamp to illuminate a medium-sized picture -2 square meters.

Finder 7L series LED lamps, lamp lighting system:

The viewfinder led also has three different ignition modes:

1. Direct is used to turn on the device by directly connecting to the power supply;

2. On / off button is used for on / off control in manual mode;

3. Through the motion detector with infrared sensor, once motion is detected, the light will turn on.


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