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Series 68 – new 100 a power relay for printed circuit boards

文章出處:芬德電子科技 / 作者:芬德電子科技 / 發(fā)表時間:2022-03-16

Ideal relay for electric vehicle charging column or applications requiring high switching power.

Finder shows its new 68.22.9 xxx. 4300 PCB power relay with 2100 a no contact, AC1 rated at 40000 VA.

Promote the green revolution

With its special design and technical characteristics, the new finder 68 series power relay realizes the switching of extremely high load, making it perfect in energy production and distribution, especially to meet the world's demand for green and sustainable transportation (electric vehicle charging)

It can be used in charging stations up to 55 kW, in the production of inverters, battery chargers, emergency generators, and many other renewable energy applications.

It can also be installed in uninterruptible power supply (UPS), pump control panel and internal automation control panel, such as for controlling heavy lift.

It is suitable for installation and connection through printed circuit board. Due to its two no 100 a rated contacts, the 68.22 type can realize the complete switching of three-phase neutral load up to 100 a by using two relays in series - saving PCB space is quite large compared with early technology.


New finder power relay: features and advantages

The design of 68 series power relay is based on the careful analysis of specific application fields and market demand, combined with finder's professional knowledge in relay design and construction.

The new 68 series is completely made in Italy, with low coil consumption, only 0.7 w retention, compact size and modern design - the result of cooperation with Milan design studio fossati |. Minelli.

The distance between open circuit contacts is 3.6 mm, which conforms to VDE 0126-1-1 and en 62109-1 standards, and meets the requirements of EN 60335-1 on heat resistance and fire resistance (GWIT 775 ° C and gwfi 850 ° C).

Additional features of type 68.22-4300:

1.2 no 100 a contact

2. Provide 12 and 24 VDC coil voltage

3. Maximum switching voltage 400/690 V AC

4. Rated load AC1 40000 VA

5. Creepage distance and electrical clearance -8 mm

6. Contact material AgSnO2

7. Ambient temperature range -40 ~ 85 ° C

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